Friday, January 15, 2010

Let haitians stay in the U.S. legally?

Haiti has just been devastated time and time again by one natural event after another. And now the earthquake just might break their spirits. I think if we can all donate and send emergency aid to the thousands trapped, injured, and dying then why not let them stay in the U.S. They are our neighbors and to help them in a time of need is a great thing to do and a big step. Are we ready to take that step? I also am not sure about how it will effect our economy. It could possibly also help our economy but who really know what we need to sustain it? It's been difficult to find jobs with all the layoffs and what not. Atleast that is what i have come to see in just my own town. These are only my thoughts but i would love to hear others thoughts and opinions on the matter.

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