Friday, January 15, 2010

Chrysler buys 60-second Super Bowl ad

Summary: After their bankruptcy, Chrysler will be the only U.S. automaker to have a spot during the Super Bowl commercials. Giving up millions of dollars for 60-seconds to restore their image as a dealership and automaker. A 30-second time slot runs at about $30 million dollars, but for the 60-seconds they are the most expensive and least purchased. The Chrysler spokeswoman stated that their advertisement will be showing off the Dodge Charger.

Opinion: I can't wait to see this ad. The commercials for the Super Bowl are just as exciting to watch as the intense football game.

Let haitians stay in the U.S. legally?

Haiti has just been devastated time and time again by one natural event after another. And now the earthquake just might break their spirits. I think if we can all donate and send emergency aid to the thousands trapped, injured, and dying then why not let them stay in the U.S. They are our neighbors and to help them in a time of need is a great thing to do and a big step. Are we ready to take that step? I also am not sure about how it will effect our economy. It could possibly also help our economy but who really know what we need to sustain it? It's been difficult to find jobs with all the layoffs and what not. Atleast that is what i have come to see in just my own town. These are only my thoughts but i would love to hear others thoughts and opinions on the matter.

Haiti Earthquake

Summary: After Tuesdays earthquake that reached the 7.0-magnitude on the richter scale, many Haitians are still awaiting help. The roads are impassable and the airport is very damaged which is delaying the aid from getting to its destination. The people are awaiting many supplies such as: food, an assortment of clothing, antibiotics, and pressure dressings used to treat open wounds. "Officials said the window of oportunity to save many lives was closing." "With medicine, we are not talking about weeks and months down the line -- this is minutes and hours in terms of what is necessary," said Dr. Sanjay Gupta, CNN chief medical correspondent in Port-au-Prince. It was stated that once the roads became passable there was atleast a mile long line to get gasoline. A hospital ship is said to deploy later. There are also many global companies assisting in the aid. The world bank is said to give $100 million dollars for emergency funds.

Opinion: It really is amazing to see people of different cultures and origins come together in a time a need. The donations made by the numerous companies and organizations around the world are astonishing. It makes me still have hope that there are good people still willing to help, especially in disasters such as this.