Monday, September 14, 2009

9/11 Mourners

Summary: September 11th was declared as a National Day of Service by Barack Obama as his first year of presidency. Mourners wrote letters to soldiers and gathered at ground zero to read off the names of the loved ones that were lost eight years ago. Michelle Obama helped paint a room for the Habitat for Humanity house in Washington. Volunteers from all over donated food and made meals for the homeless, some sent packages to soldiers over seas. Hillary Clinton said, "Sept. 11th will always be a day that represents humanity at its worst and humanity at its best."

Opinion: What happened eight years ago affected everyone, not just those who lost loved ones. I remember where i was when my family and I heard the news for the first time. We had just left my grandpa's house on our way back home. The rest of that week in school all we did was watch the news and grieve for those who had lost their lives. I'm a senior this year and last week I was surprised when the school didn't ask for a moment of silence. It made me feel kind of upset. Like we had disrespected the people that were lost, injured, who volunteered, and families that lost loved ones. I won't ever forget that day and what had happened.

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