Thursday, October 8, 2009


For many years medicare has been spending more in payments than it has been pulling in from tax and revenue or interests on its investments. These entitlements make up a big part of our federal budget.Trustees have predicted that the funds for medicare will be expended by 2019 but is now said to be 2017. The program owes 13.4 trillion dollars than it can afford. Social Security is also said to hit zero in 2037 and also will be spending more than they are receiving. The high unemployment has been part of this issue because it lowers the amount of tax that is coming in for these programs. I think if people were to paygo it would stop the increasing deficit.

I think that if we use paygo that it will help with the hole that's been dug. President Obama announced that he was sending legislation to congress to restore the "pay as you go" law. I think it would be a good idea. The fundings would be used just for Social Security and Medicare. Not for the other Gov't programs.

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